Fostering With Us
When rescue has no facility, it can't exist without a foster base. Dogs and cats saved from shelters or found stray or not wanted at their homes need a place to go. And you, the foster, are the lifeline for these animals.
To become a foster:
If you have a pet at home, it should be friendly to other animals.
If your in-house pets are not spayed/neutered or up to date on their vaccinations, you can't foster.
Sometimes our pets are not fixed, and they are waiting for their appointment to be spayed/neutered.
If you work 8 hours a day or more outside the home, unfortunately, in most cases, it won't work because they come from a hard background, and they need you to be there for them.
The rescue will give you everything the animal needs. Crate, food, leash and collar, meds, pay for vet visits.
You give love, security, walk the animal, play with him, teach him tricks if you know how,
You will keep the dog/cat until they find the best home we can find. We don't know how long it may take. It can be just a few days or sometimes a few months.
If you decide that you want and can do it, you can fill out the Foster Application.
We will screen it, and talk with your references and your vet. The last thing will be a short video chat so we will learn about you, and you will learn about us.
It is not easy to foster, and it is not easy to let your foster dog go when adopted. But the rewarding feeling is just above and beyond words. The knowledge that you helped save a life is more than any other feeling.
If you want to foster but still hesitating, you can have a talk with one of our fosters, that can help you decide. Send us an email
Kay, our FOSTER OF THE MONTH, in her words.
My name is Kay, and I’m British but have lived in the USA for over 23 years now. Medical issues mean that I am now limited as to what I can do and I can no longer work. So I thought about what I COULD do to make a difference. I have always had and love animals. I actually already had a diabetic alert service dog who has saved my life 5 times already.
It was a natural progression to reach out to see if I could help foster a dog.
I was able to foster Max, who was not only my first foster dog but also my first ‘foster fail’. Max had been through SO much, being locked in a crate for the first two years of his life. I had Max for nearly a year and we bonded. Max was hard to deal with initially as he knew nothing about being a dog at first, but with work and training, he became such a good boy. I couldn’t bear the thought that someone else might adopt him.
So now I have two dogs.
Fostering has not only given my life meaning but allowed me to learn so much and receive so much love from these fur babies. I am now also part of a great group of like-minded rescue people whom I consider friends.
The rescue pays for their food (toys, bedding, crate, leashes, etc. (if you don’t have them already) and any medical needs the dog has. So it costs nothing to do it. I live on a small pension so that was also an important part of fostering. So even the poorest of us can do it!
I love getting pictures and videos of other foster dogs that are now adopted into very happy and loving homes.
It is just so rewarding to know that I CAN make a small difference in so many lives….animal and human. I currently have ‘Chuck’ who was returned for no fault of his own.
He is super cute, ready to go home, and be forever loved!!
and I'll cry when it happens, but I'll have room to save another pup in need.